The Awful Journey of Life.


Hmm😒...Life on Earth is just like playing with a dice🎲;wat happens next is uncertain.Likewise,tomorrow is not promised and so therefore,if we have anything doing,it should be done on time and if there's anything you can do to help me or say to me,do it now or say it to me now or never respectively than to write✍ it in a BOOK📖 of CONDOLENCE where I will be motionless and wouldn't hear the I Love You that u will say at that time.
         In the nutshell,it is appointed for man to die once and after death is judgement(Hebrews 9:27);thus, YouOnlyLiveOnce(Y.O.LO) but we live more than a day so we live more than once but die once,Hence;  YouOnlyDieOnce -(YODO).

.....more to say;few to write ✍
R¡P Nana Kwadwo Wiafe.
