°NDC last rally Accident.||°Kejeta NPP supporters.||°The Big Booty Wahala.

 Nobody knows the hour of misfortune else everybody would have prepared for it. During the last NDC POLITICAL RALLY,a gruesome accident happened which caused some to get their legs cut and others too found dead.

I just figured out that *_Life is a Box 📦🎁 of OPPORTUNITIES_* ```and I don't intend wasting any...just like the last time I was sleeping in a Kiosk without Light,but here I am;on the TOP RANKED list of🎓👨🏽‍🎓🥼💊.``` _(I'll say more of that 👈)._

```All that I'm charged to do is to make each day COUNT ✨.```

_With God Inclusive,GOALS aren't shattered🎗._
```GOOD Morning 🌄🌞 and Have Wonderful day & Week🌤☀.```

