Techiman South Shooting Action


#TheNewsHub;We are the BOLT in News Delivery.

...when all hope was lost,He PROVED HIMSELF WORTHY... just as today,HE'll do ☀☀☀.
....if we've past through the toughest time,surely by God's Grace;we shall pass through the tougher time. 🏅🥇☀✨.

I just figured out that *_Life is a Box 📦🎁 of OPPORTUNITIES_* ```and I don't intend wasting any...just like the last time I was sleeping in a Kiosk without Light,but here I am;on the TOP RANKED list of🎓👨🏽‍🎓🥼💊.``` _(I'll say more of that 👈)._

```All that I'm charged to do is to make each day COUNT ✨.```

_With God Inclusive,GOALS aren't shattered🎗._
```GOOD Morning 🌄🌞 and Have Wonderful day & Week🌤☀.```

