Tra.gedy of a 10-year old school boy


There is actually no new day without a new story. Inis article THE NEWS JUG📰 would like to share with you a story of a year old-boy whose excruciating story was posted by his teacher on Facebook.

The post of the teacher goes as , ” I'm Ampadu Hayford a student of jasikan college education, doing my practice at Apesokubi D/A primary. This boy in the picture below is Tavor Bismark. 10 years old. He fell from a Neem tree and he had a fracture on his spinal cord. Because of this he find it difficult to sit, stand and even sleep he always stand before writing in class can't even walk 100 cm without sitting down. The boy is really suffering please we need your help by appealing through your media platforms for assistance to do a surgery to help him to walk’’.


We are individuals with who seek the best for each other so let’s all join forces together and try to bring a transformation to 10-year old school boy.

THE NEWS JUG 📰 - Bringing News To Your Doorstep 🚪.
