Okada rider murders 12 years old boy for rituals

 Wonders shall never end as strange weird stuffs daily occur.

Information that reached our desk indicate that, a weird incident occurred in the North Tongu, of which an Okada rider murders 12 years old boy for rituals in Aflorkope - Dove.

Police in Aveyime - Battor in the North Tongu District of the Volta Region has arrested 22 year old Okada rider, Emmanuel Tsidi Doe for severing the head of 12 year old identified as Kofi for rituals.

The sad event occured at Aflorkope-Dove near Battor on Sunday.

Upon Police interrogation, the suspect (Emmanuel Tsidi Doe) admitted to have murdered the boy because a spiritualist, Madam Floda Ekpe, 52, the priestess of the Shelter Pentecostal Church Prayer Centre at Aflorkope allegedly instructed him to provide him with a human head for rituals.

WARNING!!! Pictures are ghastly. Viewer Discretion is ADVISED!

The victim's head was found behind the house of suspect madam priestess Floda Ekpe and the headless body found in the Blakoe Stream at Aflorkope - Dove village.

The third suspect madam Adiku Okudzeto, 60, who attends the Shelter Pentecostal church prayer centre for healing prayers who also allegedly played significant role in the murder of the innocent boy was arrested.

Body of the deceased deposited at the Roman Catholic Hospital, Battor for preservation and autopsy. The three suspects in Aveyime Police custody assisting in investigations. Development will be reported accordingly.

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